Study of essential oils and their components from the point of view of the protective action in the initiation step of carcinogenesis; experimental systems in vitro and ex vivo
DNA damage connected with changes on the genetic level is at present considered to be the most significant stimulus of carcinogenesis initiation. Study of protective effects of natural compounds, which are frequently used in different areas of human life, is therefore of great importance. In the framework of the project we detected the antioxidative potential of plant phytocompounds by biochemical methods and methods of molecular biology. Using in vitro systems of human cells, algae and plant models and an ex vivo approach, i.e. hepatocytes and testicular cells freshly isolated from experimental rats supplemented with compounds studied in drinking water, we proved their protective action on DNA. In summary, protective effects of phytocompounds are based not only on antioxidative activity but it could affect DNA repair mechanisms, levels of
important enzymes and allover cellular status and so could contribute to defense processes of organisms against civilization diseases.