
Integration of nuclear factor-1 (NF1) into existing signaling pathways leading to growth arrest

Project leader: Katarína Luciaková
Project duration: 2008 - 2010

Neoplastic transformation is a multistep process. Individual steps leading to cancer have been studied for many years; yet, the the explicit definition of the cancer cause remains unknown. In general, we may say that cancer results from defects in signaling pathways that control the response of an organism to extracellular stimuli. This proposal is a continuation of our efforts to understand the mechanisms of gene transcription, as well as the signaling pathways governing this transcription regulation. Specific aims of our studies shall focus on the molecular mechanisms by which the transcription factor NF1 inhibits expression of the model gene (ANT2) in growth arrested cells and hoiw this function is integrated into existing signaling pathways.

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