
Study of essential oils and their components from the point of view of the protective action in the initiation step of carcinogenesis; experimental systems in vitro and ex vivo

Project leader: Eva Horváthová
Project duration: 2009 - 2011

DNA damage connected with different changes on the genetic level is at present considered to be the most significant stimulus of initiation of the process of carcinogenesis. Study of antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic effects of natural compounds, which are frequently used in different areas of human life, is therefore of great importance. In the framework of the proposed project we intend 1 to ascertain the antioxidant potential of selected essential oils and their components by biochemical methods; 2 to assess their antimutagenic activity by applying in vitro systems using mammalian cells, bacteria, yeast and algae; 3 on using an ex vivo approach to determine whether the cells freshly isolated from experimental rats which obtained the compounds studied in drinking water would manifest DNA-protective effects; 4 in cell extracts obtained from cells of animals kept at a normal or modified drinking regimen to investigate repair enzymatic activity and activities of some of the most important cellular enzymes.

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