
(Mutation of RET proto-oncogene – its implication in connection of thyreoid tumor incidence in diagnostic and prevention of thyreoid gland tumors)

Project leader: Veronika Altanerová
Project duration: 2005 - 2007

In order to highlight the mechanisms of MEN2 induction and to stress importance of molecular biological diagnostic of the disease we would like to continue in detection of RET proto-oncogene mutations in members of families in risk. Expression of RET proto-oncogene will be followed in tumor tissue by Real-Time PCR in order to find any relationship with the course of the disease. In addition the RET gene polymorphisms will be detected in connection of potential influence on the disease progression. We would like to expand our studies to papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). An increasing incidence of PTC was observed in the population giving external radiation, especially with the population effected by atomic irradiation. This finding was confirmed by an extremely high incidence of PTC found in children from Ukraine and Belarus area after Chernobyl accident. Rearrangements of RET proto-oncogene was detected. It is expected that incidence of PTC and other thyroid tumors will be increased also in areas of Slovakia, which had been contaminated in course of the Chernobyl atomic power plant accident.


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