
The role of genotoxic and epigenetic mechanisms in tissue and organ specificity of chemical carcinogens; mammalian cells cultivated in vitro as a model system

Project leader: Alena Gábelová
Project duration: 2006 - 2008

The hallmark of many chemical carcinogens is their tissue and organ specificity. One reason of such phenomenon could be the enzymatic content of cells in the target tissue which determines the mode of their biotransformation and the character of reactive intermediates. An important role in tissue specificity of chemical carcinogens, however, may play also epigenetic mechanisms including inhibition of gap-junction intercellular communication, modulation of gene expression, stimulation of cell proliferation or inhibition of apoptosis. A comprehensive approach aimed on the identification of various factors and events associated with the process of chemical carcinogenesis is necessary in order to understand the basis of the tissue and organ specificity of chemical carcinogens.

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