EU-US Workshop on
Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, May 23-27, 2010
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together scientists from the EU and US together in a lovely and intimate setting of Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, to discuss our current understanding of how protein machines assemble and sort through genomic DNA for specific damaged sites which are repaired through nucleotide excision repair or inter-strand crosslink repair. Many endogenous agents, environmental toxicants and chemotherapeutic agents cause DNA damage that is repaired through these two pathways. DNA damage recognition and repair is a dynamic process that spans time scales over several orders of magnitudes and the study of which uses a wide range of tools, including: molecular dynamics, NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, light and atomic force microscopy through to genetics, classic biochemistry and confocal in vivo imaging techniques. The workshop will move from molecules to man and include a discussion of several syndromes associated with premature aging and cancer and caused by poor repair of these damage substrates. The main objective of this workshop is to fully address the problem of “damage recognition” involved in nucleotide excision repair and inter-strand crosslink repair by generating an understanding of the current state of the science and then articulate where the science will go if current technical and scientific hurdles are overcome. The main goals of this workshop are to: 1) highlight the state of the science and current technologies being used to study this problem; 2) exchange ideas between scientists in the EU and US; and 3) provide a forum that allows scientists in the local region an opportunity to meet and engage with scientists from the EU and US who are driving the field.
Presentations will be featured in a special edition of the journal, DNA repair to be published later this year.
Súťaž mladých onkológov 2010
Program (pdf 59 kB)
Kategória Študent strednej školy
Marek Karman Lucia Szemanová, Martin Brakl
Kategória Študent vysokej školy
Jakub Zmajkovič Martin Benej Petra Bullová
Ďalší účastníci
Lenka Baranovičová Helena Fábryová Rozvita Krebesová Miroslav Brecík
Kategória Mladý výskumník do 35 rokov
Peter Ditte Zuzana Šteffeková Jaromír Mikeš
Ďalší účastníci
Lucia Kuliková Rastislav Jendželovský Martin Kello Jana Jurečeková
Andrea Štefániková Katarína Žihlavníková Soňa Kontseková Monika Mesárošová
Eva Regendová Veronika Tóthová Wojciech Witarski
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